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Derma rollers safe for Black Skin Care
Derma rollers safe for Black Skin Care There have been many reports of changes in the pigmentation of African or dark Indian skin due to ablative cosmetic treatments. Ablative cosmetic treatments such as chemical peels and microdermabrasion remove the surface...
White Lotus Anti Aging Benefits
White Lotus Anti-Aging Benefits There are many companies around the world that offers you the same benefits as all the other, namely affordability and great quality. However, you do not always realise the specific benefits before you use it and...
Kate Winslet is a Green Tea oil Fan
Kate Winslet is a Green Tea oil Fan When you think of a celebrity’s bathroom, you’d be forgiven for thinking only the most expensive pots of face creams and exclusive brands of body lotion ever make it in there. So...
Male Stretch Marks – Should You Be Worried?
It may surprise you to know that male stretch marks are on the rise, and one reason for this is the ever increasing need to have a physique just like the Hollywood stars you see at the cinema. Young men...
How To Fix And Maintain Your Skin With Organic Ingredients
How To Fix And Maintain Your Skin With Organic Ingredients Everyone wants great looking skin *. That is why there are so many manufacturers and companies that offer and advertise highly expensive, factory made products that promise to repair skin...
Derma Roller (Dermaroller) Side Effects
Derma Roller (dermaroller) Side Effects There are many forums online reporting derma roller side effects. We sadly receive many emails from people who have brought products elsewhere and had a very bad experience. The side effects most commonly reported are...
Multivitamins the Link to Cancer
Stop Taking Multivitamins Stop taking supplements and simply eat well! For more information Read the China Study by Dr Campbell who conducted the biggest trial on nutrition to this day. Other clinical trials have shown that men and women who...
The Truth About The Water In Moisturisers.
The Truth About The Water In Moisturisers. The beauty industry is constantly revealing new products that promise healthy skin that is left looking rejuvenated, younger and feeling softer. It seems every month there is a new product that utilizes breakthrough...
Natural Weight Loss
Natural Weight Loss In Chinese medicine oolong tea has long been considered to improve digestion and raise metabolism. Its ability to raise the bodies metabolism and improve fat oxidation was recently proven by a clinical trial conducted by the University...
Grow With Grace With Organic Anti-Aging Skin Care Remedies
Grow With Grace With Organic Anti-Aging Skin Care Remedies As kids, we often dreamt of being adults and being able to do whatever we wanted. Unfortunately for us, adulthood can come with a variety of woes that can begin to...
Dermaroller Mistake 2. Thin Microneedles are better than wider needles
Dermaroller Mistake 2. Thin Microneedles are better than wider needles Less is More? This has been a favourite with some skin needling marketing over the last few years. The theory goes something like this. Wider needles are more painful and...
The advantages of a dermaroller treatment offered by a reliable provider
The advantages of enjoying a derma roller treatment offered by a reliable provider When it comes to beauty and the health of our skin, it is important to be able to enjoy the high-quality treatment, for optimum results. As you...
How does organic treatment help?
How does organic treatment help? We are today moving away from nature and our life style is getting techno savvy. However, we fail to understand that we cannot escape from nature as we are a part of it. Nature has...
Video - Scar Remover
Scar Removal using skin needling Scar Remover Skin needling has been extensively researched for scar removal. Derma rollers and derma stamps act as an ideal scar remover as they do very little damage to the surface of the skin unlike...
Dermaroller Acne Scars
 Dermaroller Acne Scars The dermaroller has been shown to be highly effective at assisting many types of scarring. Creating micro trauma below the surface of the skin increases the production of a group of enzymes called collagenases. These enzymes break...
Does tea consumption reduce stress?
Does tea consumption reduce stress? Tea is an age-old remedy that is said to reduce sickness, anxiety and even stress, but does it really work? In this article, we’ll discuss how the consumption of tea reduces stress, based on medical...
Anti Aging Treatments That Work
Each year, people spend billions of dollars on anti-aging products that are either overpriced and ineffective, or (even worse) nothing short of a gimmick in a bottle. The “Fountain of Youth” myth has permeated our culture so deeply that a...
Dermaroller compared to other cosmetic treatments
Dermaroller compared to other cosmetic treatments With the many choices available in the market, it might be difficult for a person to pick the best and the most effective non-surgical skin care technique. One popular technique known as “Dermaroller Therapy”...
Does the Derma Roller Really work Long Term?
Does the Derma Roller really work long term? Most people are only interested in finding out what the short term benefits of the derma roller is not whether the derma roller really works long term. The derma roller really is...
Derma Stamp: A Great, Affordable Way to Healthy, Glowing Skin
Derma Stamp: A Great, Affordable Way to Healthy, Glowing Skin Most individuals who are familiar with the procedure of micro-needling will attest to the fact that this procedure is one of the efficient, affordable, and reliable ways for refreshing your...
Video - Dermaroller Truths
Dermaroller Video There is a huge amount of misinformation produced about dermarolling. Some of it springs from the desire to sell products while more is produced from genuine ignorance. In this professional video Anthony Kingston author of ‘Holistic Micro Needling’...